Created Apparel collections & Packaging for a collaboration between Viz Media & In The Lab; AW 2023 & SS 2024. Over a series of months, I worked with the two companies to create items using a wide range of licensed artworks, featuring assets from world renowned anime series' Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, & One Punch Man. Having been an avid anime fan since a young kid, I was excited to be able to get my hands on this project. I created various designs by combining my own style with the provided artworks, while staying within strict parameters. I created product briefs for collections & engaged directly with these companies via email & video chat, often leading discussions & presentations pertaining to the collaboration. I was also heavily involved in ensuring the quality of each items by communicating directly with the factories on behalf of the client.
Boruto AW23 Collection Artboard
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Color/Size Callout Examples - Included For Every Design
Created Digital Assets Including 3D Mockup + 
Animation & Time-skip of me Redesigning the SS23 Ball
One Punch Man SS24 Collection Artboard
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